Sunday, March 15, 2009

A summary of the entire quarter.

I've decided that for my 25th post I'm going to sum of everything we've learned since winter break.  

In essence, Europe is in many ways like a human being.  Just as Freud talks of the different phases of a child's growth process where the child is fascinated with certain aspects of their world, only to grow more and be entranced by a different thing.  Europe is steadily moving through it's life, starting at infancy and growing.  I believe that the time periods we've just studied are the adolescent and young adult phases of Europe.  There was too much testosterone in Europe during this period, just as teenage and low twenties men have too much testosterone.  It was all about dominating other people, proving you were the greatest of the pack, making sure you were on the beneficial end of every deal.  This hyper-male state lead to the two most devastating wars Europe had seen up until that point, reflecting the volatile nature of men during their college years.  Along with that, kids in their 18-24 years try many new things, which is mirrored in the creation of socialism as a true practice and ultimately Russia's transformation.  And like all human beings, kids from 18-24 are always inclined to make bad decisions, as can be witnessed in the Treaty of Versaille.  

It might seem strange, but in many ways I think it works.  Currently Europe is a middle aged man, not really the focus of attention, but still wields power in his world.

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