Sunday, March 15, 2009

Response to Declan Conroy

In response to this.

I agree with the idea that democracy is a better form of government, but I don't think that Fascism is not organic, I would instead say it is organic.  People, just as Hobbes argued, are naturally bound to form a government based off of protection, giving up their right to all things to one individual who maintains their right to all things, but then becomes responsible for those under his supervision.  Fascism is exactly this, minus the voluntary part, because it is one person ruling over many for their protection.  

Fascists argue that the reason why fascism makes sense is because it doesn't make sense to have everyone have a voice in government.  I believe that this is true to some extent, especially in a time where there were many people who were still uneducated.  According to Fascists, someone who can't read or right should not get to vote over an issue they don't understand, they should instead leave up to someone who does understand, such as the dictator.  When you think about it, a Fascist government would work perfectly if the leader wasn't a crazy dictator, but instead a reasonably minded person who listened to the public when necessary.  The problem is that no one with supreme power acts in a reasonable manner.  Fascism is not the dying corpse, but simply an alternative.  I do think that democracy is indeed a better form of government, but Fascism has elements that make sense and is in some ways an organic form of government.  

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