Sunday, March 1, 2009

Summary, in a sense, response, in another sense

In response to Charlie's debate summary here.

In my debate, I have the privilege of defending the octoberist side of the debate with David. I would say that truly the only thing wrong with our position is exactly what Charlie articulates, the fact that we would some how have to convince the Tsar to give up part of his power to the parliament. I think the most effective way to do this would be through the military, but the problem with this is that the Tsar has control over the military, and using the miliarty, and thus violence, would mean that we would essentially contradict our argument that revolutoin would lead to the unncessary death of Russians. In the end, I think that the octoberist best option would be taking control of the process of selecting the next Tsar, which would give them the power to get someone more favorable to a consitutional monarchy into power. Who this would be in Russia, I have no idea, considering every single Tsar I've ever heard of in Russia was an egotistical and self-centered ruler.
I agree that the Bolsheviks have the best argument out of the to vik groups, because the Mensheviks just have a terrible position, considering they intend to wait for Russia to change, which would require hoping the Tsar doesn't get word of revolution for a long time, which is unlikely if not impossible. The idea of immediate revolution has the most persuasive tone, and I think that the "revolution is anti-Russian" is only valid if the ends don't out weigh the means, which I think would not be true in Russia.

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