Sunday, March 29, 2009

Middle East and World War I

As my first post about Europe’s involvement in ht Middle East during World War I, I think it’s important to note that this is in no way the first time Europe has had its hand in the Middle East…. Obviously.   When the British and French decided to create spheres of influence in the Middle East, as noted in this article by NPR here , there were clear colonial intentions.  They were not planning on using the Middle East for their own war effort, only to leave it alone once they had won, even though that’s what they promised the Arabian states that would revolt in their favor.  It’s classic European form to offer self-determination as an incentive, only to somehow get around its actual manifestation once their mission has been accomplished.  This mentality is important for understanding Europe’s role in the Middle East because it has everything to do with how the European’s treated the people living there after World War I.  Their approach was much like Britain’s approach to India; use it as a trading beacon and market for products, an instant source of cash.  What’s ironic is the fact that winning World War I didn’t make England and France realize that imperialism, which had in some ways caused World War I, was probably not a smart move.  They instead continued in their old ways, a choice that many people in the Middle East still resent.  

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