Sunday, March 29, 2009

Response to Charlie / Semi-Rant

In response to Charlie’s post about the economic policies of Keynes during the Great Depression, I would agree with the fact that it was truly World War II that brought the US out of their misery.  All the deficit spending Roosevelt had implemented, such as the public works organization that gave many people jobs, only helped put a temporary band-aid on the bleeding of the American people.  When Americans started to rally around the war effort, and the US needed strong manufacturing output in order to combat that behemoth Germany army, American’s economic fortunes changed.  What I think is interesting, is given all this, why did the Americans wait so long to join the war.  If turning America into a war state with tons of weapon manufacturing helped the economy, why didn’t they start doing this as soon as the Great Depression was getting bad and Hitler was slowly taking over Europe because England and France had no back bone.  Which brings me to another point, the fact that the British and French used appeasement to keep Hitler as bay makes me sick to my stomach.  I see not argument, except war fatigued, which is just a bad argument because an evil like Hitler does not fatigue, that can defend the British and French.  They should have mobilized their MILLIONS of colonial troops to their favor, borrowed money from everyone else in the war, and crushed Hitler, not let him start World War II.  Jesus….

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