Sunday, March 29, 2009

Response to Mein Kampf

In regards to the reading in Mein Kampf, I am most struck by Hitler’s seemingly authoritative voice over the creation of race.  He seems to speak as though he was there when the Aryan race was created, and witnessed to the “culture-founding” aspects of that culture.  He offers to evidence to support any of his grand claims about different races, he simply states them as though they are simple facts of life, like one plus one is two.  What I do find interesting about his writing is his idea that inferior races are necessary for the advancement of higher races, and his idea that man came before the animal with regards to forced manual work.  Although I don’t agree wit the idea of an “inferior” race, I do understand what’s he’s talking about with regards to the importance of the conquered to the conqueror.  Most of Europe’s progress has been at the expense of different peoples around the world.  This doesn’t mean that Europeans are better than everyone else, they just have taken advantage of other’s to increase their own lot, something that although bad, is simply a matter of life.  People will always be exploiting others, whether it is through actual slavery or paid jobs.  In no way do I agree with Mein Kampf, but I do think that Hitler perceived something important when he noted the importance of inferior races for those races that needed to progress.  

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