Sunday, March 15, 2009

Response to Charlie Koch

In response to this.  

I completely agree with Charlie's point that Wilson was a little naive when he thought that something like the 14 points would work as he supposedly intended it to work.  If you really think about it, it's possible that Wilson knew from the beginning that the 14 points wouldn't work, but decided that to keep the US, and the other major powers, in the good light he would have to at least show an effort to create a perfect world for Europe.  

I think the biggest problem with the 14 points is that Wilson expects everyone to cooperate with it because most of the points somehow involve a complete transparency when it comes to economical and political functions within a state.  I think WWI proved that no such transparency can exist in the cut throat world of European Nations.  Europe during this period was a dangerous cooking pot for adventurous leaders because of technological advancements, and that Europe was in a dog eat dog mind state that meant the only way to get ahead was to force yourself down the throats of others. 

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